The power of positivity…

One thing I try to do is surround myself with positive people. I don’t mean the type of people who are so happy that they border on fake and have no authenticity but people who are positive, exciting, inspirational and solutions people.

You know the type – the ones you can call to discuss a problem and by the end of the conversation you’ve come up a million ideas to set the world on fire. Figuratively speaking.

Source: via Renee on Pinterest


I’m telling you this because I downloaded the wonderful e-book from In Spaces Between. The first page “surround yourself with passionate people” hooked me in immediately.  It reminded me of the Oprah quote above – to only surround yourself with people who are going to take you higher.

I’ve come to realise {and every time a birthday comes around this realisation becomes stronger} that negative people cause me to be negative too. They zap my energy, they take away confidence, they create such a negative force that it takes a long time to escape.

How many people in your life just ooze negativity? “Friends” who bitch all the time, complain about every single thing, their life is just one big mess and they do nothing to change it – it’s easy to get sucked in to this cycle.   

The change begins with you…

This lesson is one I learned quite quickly. There’s no denying that its easier to be negative but happiness and positivity are like a magnetic force. If you want to attract it then you have to put it out there.  When life is going awry then you’ve got two choices – you go along with it or you stop, reevaluate and work at changing things. I can’t begin to tell you how many people tell me about their problems but don’t actually have any desire to change things.

How to start?

I suppose knowing what makes you happy is a start. If you’re not quite sure what makes you happy then make a list. Get a notebook and label it “the happiness project” and write a list of all the things that make you happy whether it be holidays, walking your dog or reading your favorite book.

If you start to feel negative then just whip your book out and see what makes you happy. It’s not going to solve all your problems but it’s an exercise which could just help turn your negative mood around.

Start attracting…

Whether it’s online or in person. Start attracting people who will inspire you to feel and BE better. I’m going to share a bit from Rachel’s e-book because I want you to go download it {it’s free}

“Hang out with the best — bright sparks who endlessly motivate and support you and give you the ‘Hell yeah it’s possible!’ spiel, especially when you’re faltering.

I know it’s unnerving but whether online or in person, a sure-fire way to expand your circle of movers and shakers is to take a deep breath, throw your shoulders back and reach out to those smart souls you’ve been admiring from afar. Drop them a line. Walk up and say hi. Tell them you dig their stuff and you’d love to chat sometime.”

No one else is responsible for your happiness – its all on you.

Author: Rachael

I'm a journalist and creative consultant. I write about how busy women (just like you) can live, work and eat - better.

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