Foodie Friday: The Great Salads of Pinterest…

Autumn is creeping up fast. Soon it’ll be all chunky knits and bowls of comforting soup. But whilst we still have a few more weeks left of summer why not make the most of it by filling your boots with some great salads.

I’ve been trying to steer away from the traditional British salad (lettuce, tomato and cucumber) for sometime and yet again, pinterest plays a big part in my culinary life. So today I wanted to share my top 5 favourite salads found via pinterest

Chilled Watermelon Cucumber Feta Salad
This SCREAMS summer to me. Cool, refreshing, light and makes me think of Italy = perfect.

Recipe on

Caprese Salad…
For me, a Caprese salad is perfecto. Simple. Elegant and Fresh. Perfect for when you’re craving pizza but want to eat healthy. I like to serve it with a chunk of ciabatta and some dipping oils.
Recipe via

Strawberry, Avocado, Spinach Salad with Poppy Seed Dressing

Strawberries in the summer are the best. But they aren’t just for snacks, smoothies and desserts – throw some in your salad.

Recipe via

Heirloom Tomato and Bacon Summer Salad
This recipe is actually from one of my favorite foodie blogs of the moment. I initially found it via pinterest so it still counts.

Recipe via

It’s Like plant nachos…
HOW could I possibly not include my ultimate favorite – Thug Kitchen? It would be wrong. TK have a host of great salads on the site but this one makes me want to do a big ol’ air punch. PLANT NACHOS BITCHES!

Lots of salad recipes via

Author: Rachael

I'm a journalist and creative consultant. I write about how busy women (just like you) can live, work and eat - better.

7 thoughts on “Foodie Friday: The Great Salads of Pinterest…”

  1. love these salads — they are burtsting with color and look so gorgeous! Thanks for sharing such great options for lunch or dinner. I particularly liked the one with Strawberry, Avocado and Spinach. I’m gonna try it this weekend. Happy Weekend! xx

  2. Although I do work at eating healthy these days, I find that I quickly tire of salads. I think that I will try the “Strawberry, Avocado, Spinach Salad with Poppy Seed Dressing” recipe for today’s dinner since I have lots of strawberries to use up. Wonder how substituting Buttermilk Dressing will work…

  3. Omg! Plant nachos?! That just made my day. They should start advertising that in schools to motivate children to eat more plant foods. I’m with you in that I can’t stand plain salads. What’s the point? I want substance to my salad. And no iceberg lettuce. I want some spinach. 🙂

  4. Ha Ha Plant Nachos – might even convince my kids with that one LOL

    Love the avocado one but they all look yummy. I never used to eat salad – now I’m a big fan so will try some of these out.

  5. What a great selection of salads with a wide range of variety involved.

    I love pinterest too for awesome ideas for healthy meals too.

    Thanks for the great salad ideas, will have to give a couple a try.

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