So this Friday cocktail thing is becoming a bit of a habit. Not that I’m complaining of course, the best part of posting cocktail recipes is the testing. So I was going to post over the weekend but then I read that today is National Daiquiri day and what could be better on NDD than a strawberry daiquiri, right?
So since it’s hot, hot, hot outside (isn’t it fabulous?! there’s no moaning about the sunshine allowed here on this blog) I think you owe it to yourself to go home, get in to your summer clothes, get outside and enjoy one of these icy cold, rum infused drinks…(seriously, you work hard, you deserve a daiquiri or three).
Also, note that if you leave the rum out then you’ve basically got a strawberry slush puppy – great for kids or for anyone who doesn’t drink.
4 Step Strawberry Daiquiri Recipe
For two glasses you need…
3 shots of rum
6 – 10 Strawberries
A handful of ice
1/2 lime