Sunday Stumble…Travel Edition

I’ve been having a bit of a travel mad week this week. I finally booked my flights for my summer holiday which means it’s official that I’m actually going! I’m heading out to Madrid and then on to Palma before a relaxing week with friends in Alcudia. I won’t be spending too much time in Madrid or Palma – just whistle stops but I’m looking forward to packing in as much as humanly possible in those 48 hours!

< A picture from my visit to Aruba. How I long to go back.

Anyway, on with the stumble…

The New York Times is finally getting to grips with social media and using Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Pinterest and Tumblr. Check out this article from on the Five ways the New York Times is ‘getting personal’ on social media.

Did I tell you that I’ve changed my facebook page? no? Well, I have and now you can like me at < go on – do it.

As you know I’m passionate about living a better life and playing with passion. I’m also a total glossy magazine addict. Sometimes the two go hand in hand and other times my more sensible side takes over and realises that by buying these magazines I’m actually just feeding myself information about what capitalists say is my “ideal life”. This article by Gail Dines is interesting – Comsopolitan and the false promise of an “awesome life”.

Whilst we’re talking about living a better life. The Washington post published this article online offering 12 ways to live a better life. 

Fancy reading about 10 ways you can live your life beyond Mediocrity? Then check out the blog post of Miki Strong.  Inspired after reading Denise Duffield Thomas book “Lucky Bitch” Miki wrote the post about deciding to constantly upgrade your life.

One for the wordsmiths amongst us…20 common grammar mistakes that (almost) everyone gets wrong

Now I’ve told you that my holidays are fast approaching so it’s time for me to start thinking about cutting out the carbs and hitting the gym – hard. I’m not a huge fan of eggs, I mean I like them when they’re in cake – who doesn’t – but on their own I have a little bit of a mental block. The only part I like is the yolk which saddens me to read this – eating egg yolk is as bad as smoking. Not cool LA Times, not cool!


Author: Rachael

I'm a journalist and creative consultant. I write about how busy women (just like you) can live, work and eat - better.

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