I have a major issue about equal pay. It really grinds my gears to hear about women (or actually, anyone) receiving less pay for doing the exact same job as someone else.
Only a couple of days ago I was reading a piece in The Independent about how equal pay for women is actually about 60 years away. 60 YEARS!
Let that sink in and have a think about how old you or your children will be in that time! It’s a disgrace – right? According to the article, the gender pay gap currently stands at 19.7 per cent, with women earning only 80p for every £1 earned by men.
I don’t want to get too ranty but I wanted to share this video from Funny or Die where Christina Henricks (star of Mad Men) won’t work like a modern woman if she’s still getting paid like a woman living in the 1960s.
Modern Office with Christina Hendricks
Take a look…what do you think?