Bored of dieting already? Make small changes

If you’re anything like me then you’ve tried every diet out there – and believe me, I’ve tried every diet under the sun. Every January (or make that every Monday) a new diet plan is put in to action and there’s you stuck in a perpetual dieting cycle.

Of course diets work, short term. But if you’re looking for long term success then ditching the diet is the only way to go. We spend way too much time asking ourselves if it’s ok to eat that slice of birthday cake or mentally totting up the calories in our salad. From fasting to atkins, diet plans seem to be the crux of obsession and disordered eating.

So before you put yourself through the agony of yet another restrictive eating plan, here are just a few tips to help you be happier, healthier and slimmer in 2015…


Concentrate on health, not calories or carbs.
I know this is going to come as a shock to you if you’re used to counting calories but not all calories are created equally. It’s time to forget totting up the numbers and instead think about how the food you’re eating is making you feel and what good it can do to your body.

Counting calories also doesn’t give you the complete control over your nutrition as you may think it does. Let’s take a microwave ready meal for example; YES you maybe ingesting 500 calories but you’re also taking in GMO’s, e-numbers and other nasties that would be avoided if you made that same meal yourself.

Think about the nutrition your body needs first and foremost then the rest will naturally follow.

Eat before 8pm.
I’ve always been a late eater. It drives my boyfriend absolutely berserk because he likes to have his dinner done and dusted by 6.30pm where as I like to drag out the meal process as long as possible. However, the end of last year I started to make a conscious effort to start eating my dinner before 8pm. Not because I believe the time you eat has any effect on what you weigh but because I learned about how vitally important it is to give your digestive system a break. By giving it a rest you’re giving it time to digest what you’ve already eaten and get rid of any toxins and waste hanging about. This little trick will do wonders for you if you suffer from bloating. Continue reading “Bored of dieting already? Make small changes”

Sunday Service: Coffee and Plants

The sun has been shining all day and it’s been perfect to grab a coffee and sit outside whilst pouring over the Sunday papers. It’s also time that I start getting my weekly Sunday post back up a running. 

Things I’ve loved this weekKopi Coffee

I want to do a more in depth post about coffee later this week but for now let me just say that Java Jampit is amazing!! I’m not much of a coffee drinker really (I’m more of an Earl Grey chick) but Kopi graciously sent me a pack of their Java Jampit Estate UTZ Certified Arabica and now I’m in love. It had hints of orange and chocolate and the smell is gorgeous! If you’re not aware of Kopi yet then check out their website.They are a new monthly coffee subscription service.For just £8.95 per month (it’s cheaper if you sign up for a 3/6/12 month subscription) you get a different bag of coffee from around the world delivered straight to your door each month. 

This tweet just about sums it up…


What I’ve been reading:
I’ve had a bit of green finger mania this week. I’ve been desperate to get in the garden and start planting herbs and veggies. So I love these two links: Nature office organiser from Design Sponge and Emma Cossey posted this indoor allotment 
Spring cleaning is also on my radar…This post details 9 simple hacks to help you get your apartment back. 
3 day lash tint mascara by Max Factor – a review on

You know I love Sarah Wilson by now but if you’re a meat eater then her latest post on 5 ways to eat a chook is fabulous.
Bloggers! If you have a turnover of less than £2m and fewer than 10 employees then you’re going to be exempt from the new press regulations. Good news for 99% of bloggers I think. Although, just because you’re exempt it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use your common sense before posting!
Smug Girl, Ditzy Girl, Muffin Girl. Meet Advertising’s Horribly Clichéd Dieting Women Cheese brand’s biting parody

Here’s a piece I wrote for The Spin Alley on Dove’s new campaign

Also, I’m gibing HyperLocal blogging a whirl…here’s a post on Graffiti: Art or Vandalism

My friend Debsy has been named as one of the top 50 social media power influencers in 2013 by Forbes. Go Debs!
And finally, 


Have a great week!!

ps: Image isn’t of Kopi but from my trip to Sardinia