Summer Cocktails: Mojito Recipe

On the blog today - mojito's

There’s no guessing why I was insistent on planting mint this year…


Nothing quite says summer like a good cocktail and on a hot summers day a mojito is THE perfect choice. {Click To Tweet}

If you’ve ever been to Cuba then you’ll know how good authentic mojito’s are, but there’s no reason why you can’t bring Cuba to you!

Earnest Hemingway (again,if you’ve been to Havana you’re bound to have been to Bodeguita del medio bar) was a huge fan of the simple mojito but he preferred to exchange his soda water for champagne…unfortunately I’m living on a lemonade budget so it’s just plain ol’ mojito’s around here.

Rachael’s Mojito Recipe… Continue reading “Summer Cocktails: Mojito Recipe”

Espresso Martini – Recipe

If you’re looking for something a little more sophisticated to drink over the holidays then I whole heartedly recommend the Espresso Martini. It’s also a great drink to make if you’re having a party as you can make quite a batch of it.

What you need:

Equal measures of:

Butterscotch schnapps
Chilled Espresso coffee
Tia Maria (or any other coffee liqueur) 

Simply pour it all in to a jug, stir, add ice and serve.

It’s quite strong (as it’s mostly pure alcohol) and the coffee does give it a kick so be warned you can’t drink too many of these!

How to make Nutella Hot Chocolate

I think that we can safely say that winter has arrived. Luckily for me I’ve not yet had my “summer” holiday yet so I’m holding on to the fact that I’ll get a bit of sunshine before I have to succumb to chunky knits and boots.

However, there is an upside to this dreary weather – HOT CHOCOLATE! And keeping in with my Nutella obsession (I could literally post Nutella recipes all day long – trust me)

Here is how to make Nutella hot chocolate…

Continue reading “How to make Nutella Hot Chocolate”