Wellness Trends for 2017

Happy New Year! I was hoping that this blog post would be with you a tad sooner than mid January but thankfully wellness is a topic we can talk about anytime.

Anyway, despite my lurgy I headed to BBC Wales on New Years Day to talk about the latest trends in lifestyle and wellness. If you didn’t manage to catch the interview then here are my top 10 predictions…


I really believe that 2017 is going to be the year that we disconnect. Our phones and tablets are going to take second place to rest, family and friends. As an iPhone addict I can tell you that my year will certainly contain less iPhone. But sleep is going to be huge this year. And that’s a good thing.

The old mantra of “I’ll sleep when I’m dead” is just code for if you don’t get enough sleep, you’ll be there sooner than you think.

Check out this piece by Ariana Huffington: Sleep your way to the top.


2017 is the year for automation or as a wellness trend forecast put it “The Mark Zukerberg Effect”. Quite simply, there’s a reason why people like Mark Zukerberg, Steve Jobs, Simon Cowell etc wear the same outfit day in day out – it saves them from having to make too many decisions before they start their day.

Other Celebrities/public figures also do it, Dr Oz has blueberries for breakfast every day so he doesn’t waste any time thinking about what he needs to have. Anna Wintour plays a game of tennis EVERY morning at 6.30am. Barack Obama starts every day with a workout.

It’s a simple method of taking less decisions out of your day therefore busting busy. Try to automate just one or two areas of your life from your work wardrobe to your breakfast and see if it makes a difference.

Out with the chemical beauty haul.

So it may seem like every day that another celebrity starts hawking their #nomakeup selfie. But in 2017 more people will turn towards natural beauty methods by realising that their skincare is a natural extension to their overall health. From coconut oil to essential oils. No more damaging skincare lines instead more natural beauty. Check out Rachel Hunter’s quest for natural beauty here.

More collagen!

Collagen is the secret to glowing skin, silky hair, strong nails and can help health leaky gut as well as ease joint pain and symptoms of arthritis. The bone broth revolution has only just started!! Check out THIS article to learn more about collagen.

Protein Water.

Protein shakes have been a staple in the health and fitness world for a long time. However, they aren’t always the easiest things to drink in terms of taste, texture and time. But there is a solution – protein water. Since protein is vital for keeping our metabolism running, our energy levels topped up and our blood sugars stable then it’s important that you get not only enough protein, but good quality protein also.

Protein Water Co. has a great range of protein water that keeps you hydrated and with 20g of protein per bottle.


If you’re not already having a daily dose of turmeric then you need to start asap. Turmeric has a wide range of health benefits, it has antioxidant, antiviral, antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. But it’s also loaded with a host of nutrients such as calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, zinc and more. I buy my turmeric powder from Rise Organics and use it daily with a drop of black pepper oil (because black pepper can enhance turmeric’s effects) in either a latte or in a soft gel capsule. I also use turmeric in soups, stews and curries.

Active Travel.

Have you SEEN the price of petrol lately not to mention the increases on the rail network. However, there’s an alternative – active travel. It’s a great way to get around and if you’re travelling to work then it can have a huge effect on your productivity levels. It also reduces stress, helps you save money and is better for the environment. There are also apps that you can download such as FlowFinder that will help hook you up with your nearest shower or changing facility so you don’t have to sit through the work day feeling a hot, sweaty mess.

Gut Health.

Good health starts in your gut, any health professional will attest to that. But I think that this year we’ll see more people take their gut health seriously. This will involve more people paying attention to the foods that negatively impact their gut health and also increasing their intake of probiotics, fermented foods and digestive enzymes.


We all hear about how the major vitamins have an impact on our health but 2017 we’re also going to be paying attention to minerals too. Modern, stressful lifestyles can result in a depletion in our mineral supply, which can then cause a variety of problems such as fatigue, weak bones and a decreased immune system. But this year is all about re-mineralizing (< is that even a word?) and to get a quick start on this trend head straight to the bathroom for a relaxing 20 minute soak in some epsom salts or magnesium flakes.

Staying in is the new going out.

I promise you that this isn’t just an age thing. But more people are choosing to stay at home with tea and netflix than to whoop it up in the club. A trend I can get right on board with. 2017 is all about adding plenty of ME time in to your routine. After a crazy, busy week getting cosy with a self -care mindset is most definitely the new party routine.

Of course there are plenty more wellness trends that are going to be big in 2017, from infrared saunas to medicinal mushrooms. But the main thing is that we all try to have a happy, healthy year ahead.
