Health Hacks: Automate your eating

The more my blog evolves, the more I find myself writing for busy women. Probably because I am one myself, so I understand the need to want to get more done in less time.

But being busy doesn’t mean you can’t be healthy. So I’m starting a new series of posts to provide you with some tips to help you “hack” your health without using up lots of your valuable time.

First up: Automate your eating.

How much of your time is spent thinking about what you’re going to have for your breakfast/lunch/dinner? Only to then go home and throw a frozen pizza in the oven because you just can’t think about it any longer?

Trust me. I’ve been there and if I’m honest, unless I plan – it still happens.

By automating your eating and planning your meals ahead of time helps you prevent making unhealthy last-minute food choices.

Automating your eating isn’t about eating the exact same thing every day. You can have a small – and make sure it’s small because the point of this exercise is to make your life easier – rota of foods that you can choose from. When you get up in the morning and you know what you’re going to be eating for the day – that’s one less decision you need to make.

Dr Oz has famously said how he eats blueberries and greek yogurt every morning because it saves him time debating over what to have for breakfast and therefore avoids the dreaded decision fatigue that so many of us encounter on a daily basis.

The more things we can automate in our lives, the more space and mental energy we free up to make the big decisions.

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