Take a phone detox


There’s a great piece in the New Yorker by Scaachi Koul where she lists things that will happen if she doesn’t take her phone out. For example:

1. Someone will post a photo of a brunch sandwich—like, a really great brunch sandwich, one with bacon and avocado—and I won’t get to comment, “omg where.”

2. I’ll come up with a great idea—a tampon that is also a mild antidepressant—and won’t have a way to write it down.

3. Someone will send me an e-mail marked “URGENT” and it will, for once, actually be quite urgent (probably about free food), and I won’t see it until it’s too late (all the free food is gone).

4. Ignoring texts that I don’t want to answer will suddenly become unintentional and therefore meaningless.

You can see the full list HERE.

But it got me thinking, I seriously need a phone detox. I’m glued to my phone. Sometimes, I’ll have my phone, iPad and laptop on the go at the same time. Technology overload much? 

Our phones are making us sick. REALLY. Not in a woo-woo all the radio waves are damaging our brains (although they probably are) way, but actual symptoms. Such as tendinitis aka texting thumb and sleep deprivation because our smartphone addictions mean that we can’t resist a cheeky check in on our phones when we should be snoozing. Read this piece in the NY Mag for more information on how your smartphone is causing your body damage.

So this weekend, I’m going to take a little phone detox – why don’t you join me? I’m going to ease myself gently into it and try to take it forward throughout the week too.

Here’s the plan… Continue reading “Take a phone detox”