Weekend Reads 10/4

pexels-photo-largeSo I thought I’d revive weekend reads. I read so many interesting articles and blog posts throughout the week it’s a shame not to share them. Here goes…

Snapchat – ok so technically not a read but I’m on SNAPCHAT! And omg I’d addicted!! Please do add me – I’m RachRahRah or just scan the code below!


THIS Breakfast Board at Cup of Jo

5 Ayurvedic Herbs To Counter Seasonal Allergies

Chewable coffee has arrived. Is it healthier?

Food fraud in the UK. Serious stuff.

Are your health lunches making you fat?

How magic can effect your life.

Nutritional Yeast isn’t just for hippies.

Stressed? Try this.

Criminal podcast…I’m hooked!!

Why comparing yourself to others is self destructive.

What Hollywood Has Already Taught Us About Contested Conventions.

And finally, check out this TED talk – how to grow fresh air

live, work & eat better #9

Well December has shot by! I’ve had a bit of a blog break – well, kind of, I’ve still been working on the redesign, the podcast and the second round of my E-Course Your Blog, Your Way. OH and I’m also working on a self love challenge for January, if you fancy going me then sign up to my newsletter (over there >>>) to be first to know the details!


So since you’re all hopefully still snuggled down, eating chocolates and watching crap festive TV, here are a few brilliant reads to get you through the next few days…

Well first of all, I watched Gone Girl last night and can I just say – WOW!!! It’s one of those films you just keep thinking about! Anyhow, if you too liked Gone Girl (which by the way, the book is just 99p on Amazon at the moment) then Harpers Bazaar have compiled a list of 15 psychological thrillers you may enjoy.

This casserole reheats perfectly and will keep for at least five days in the fridge

I’ve been so lucky to have travelled to Cuba several times since 1999 and also travel across the Island taking in all those non-tourist spots. Cuba is one of my favourite places on earth, until you go and experience it for yourself (and I’m not talking about drinking Cuba Libre on the beach – although that is fabulous) then you’ll never know just how wonderful the Cuban people are. So this Associated Press piece about whether the diplomatic thaw between US and Cuba open the market for hotels, coffee chains and burger joints is really interesting.

Great post from about how you can’t move on to the year ahead without addressing what happened in the year you just lived.

How To You Know.

Forget your expensive lotions and potions, find out how the Mediterranean Diet can slow ageing.

Who cares so long as people are cooking? While women are cooking much less than they did in the 1960s, men are cooking much more.

So Serial has finished but if you still want more then check out Rabia Chaudry ‘s blog. Insightful.

This piece by Mark Manson – In The Future, Our Attention Will Be Sold is.