Foodie Friday: The Great Salads of Pinterest…

Autumn is creeping up fast. Soon it’ll be all chunky knits and bowls of comforting soup. But whilst we still have a few more weeks left of summer why not make the most of it by filling your boots with some great salads.

I’ve been trying to steer away from the traditional British salad (lettuce, tomato and cucumber) for sometime and yet again, pinterest plays a big part in my culinary life. So today I wanted to share my top 5 favourite salads found via pinterest

Chilled Watermelon Cucumber Feta Salad
This SCREAMS summer to me. Cool, refreshing, light and makes me think of Italy = perfect.

Recipe on

Caprese Salad… Continue reading “Foodie Friday: The Great Salads of Pinterest…”

Make your own frappuccino // iced coffee…save money & calories

I’m pretty sure that I’ve talked about my love for Thug Kitchen before…if not on here then most definitely on facebook and twitter. I love straight talking when it comes to food…you know, I think that’s where a lot of our problems around food stem from – it all suddenly got so fucking complicated.

This week’s Thug Kitchen is all about coffee, iced coffee actually.

Which is perfect timing because I promised that I was going to put my recipe for home-made frappuccino’s.tumblr_mqg1vk52xB1rfwyd0o1_1280

I absolutely LOVE a Frappuccino from Starbucks, but they do absolutely nothing for my waistline or my purse (seriously, £3+ for an iced drink is scandalous). But I’ve worked out a way of creating my own frappuccino which is just as tasty, lower in calories and well, a hell of a lot cheaper.

As ThugKitchen says…money doesn’t grow on trees – but coffee does.

And it’s pretty simple too, in fact, a lot simpler than standing in line and ordering from Starbucks.

I usually make 1 x 500ml with this recipe…(if you’re not drinking it straight away, you need to store it in something that’s going to be easy for you to shake – because it WILL separate – I use killer jars) it’s the PERFECT breakfast smoothie…

Continue reading “Make your own frappuccino // iced coffee…save money & calories”