I’m planning some BIG changes for this blog. February for me is all about getting centred, getting organised and moving forward with some pretty big plans. Does anyone else use January to mess around a bit before really throwing themselves in to the new year?
Here are some interesting bits and pieces from across the web…
If you like BUTTERED TOAST then you should try a California Chardonnay for more amazing tips for choosing wine then checkout Joanna’s post.
Want to eat less meat? It’s easy with these 16 great vegan recipes from Cookie & Kate.
The Cosmedic Coach is my hero. She’s working hard to campaign for safety in beauty. Check out her latest post on the great vitamin IV debate.
I have SO much time for Beth Reacher, you ALL need her wise words in your life. This post on how things have to fall apart so that better things can fall taught is just so spot on at the moment.
Chickens are closely related to dinosaurs, and other insights from the new bird family tree > OK so I was initially drawn to this because of the flamingo pic (I <3 flamingoes) but turns out its a great read too.
There’s been LOADS of talk about Vaginal Steaming lately…Gwyneth suggests on goop.com that women steam-clean their vaginas for extra energy, to rebalance female hormones and for a squeaky clean uterus. This writer in The Guardian explains why that’s a BAD idea.
Meet Mr. Money Mustache, the Personal-Finance Blogger Who Wants You to Spend Like You’re Poor.
I was having a little look through my flickr photo stream the other day and found this from my visit to New York in May. That squirrel kept going back and back and back for nuts. Clever.