A taste of summer: chargrilled halloumi, green beans and tomatoes

I know this is yet another repost for this week but since the weather is doing it’s very best Jekyll and Hyde impression, I thought I’d once again share this recipe for chargrilled halloumi, green beans and tomatoes. I initially found this perfect for summer recipe via red online. I tweaked it a little  {using way more halloumi than one girl should reasonably have} but it was gorgeous so I had to share.

Like I said, I tweaked the recipe slightly so below is my version and it served two: Continue reading “A taste of summer: chargrilled halloumi, green beans and tomatoes”

Living well…for less

One passion of mine is the art of living well for less. I write this as I’ve just seen a tweet about how awful that super scrimpers show is on channel 4. I couldn’t agree more. I watched one where they suggested splitting a cream tea for one just so you wouldn’t miss out.


Now. I don’t know about you but that’s not living well. Yeah, it’s living for less – but not well. If I go out for a cream tea I want my own and a glass of champagne to boot, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t want it for less.

To me, living well for less is the following:

  • Getting the very best for the best price possible.
  • Savvy spending.
  • Enjoying life whilst keeping on eye on the bank balance.
  • Being healthy not buying something frozen just because it’s £1.
  • Quitting the waste problem we have.
  • Being mindful with spending.

Well…you get the picture.

I’d really like to do a few posts on living well for less…what do you think? What areas would you like to read posts from travel? Entertainment? Beauty? Dining out etc?

Your feedback dear reader is required.
