Make your own frappuccino // iced coffee…save money & calories

I’m pretty sure that I’ve talked about my love for Thug Kitchen before…if not on here then most definitely on facebook and twitter. I love straight talking when it comes to food…you know, I think that’s where a lot of our problems around food stem from – it all suddenly got so fucking complicated.

This week’s Thug Kitchen is all about coffee, iced coffee actually.

Which is perfect timing because I promised that I was going to put my recipe for home-made frappuccino’s.tumblr_mqg1vk52xB1rfwyd0o1_1280

I absolutely LOVE a Frappuccino from Starbucks, but they do absolutely nothing for my waistline or my purse (seriously, £3+ for an iced drink is scandalous). But I’ve worked out a way of creating my own frappuccino which is just as tasty, lower in calories and well, a hell of a lot cheaper.

As ThugKitchen says…money doesn’t grow on trees – but coffee does.

And it’s pretty simple too, in fact, a lot simpler than standing in line and ordering from Starbucks.

I usually make 1 x 500ml with this recipe…(if you’re not drinking it straight away, you need to store it in something that’s going to be easy for you to shake – because it WILL separate – I use killer jars) it’s the PERFECT breakfast smoothie…

1/2 cup of STRONG coffee (use about two scoops per 150ml of water). Make this a few hours before and leave cool (or leave overnight so its ready to be thrown in the next morning).

300ml of unsweetend almond milk

1/2 a frozen banana

Small squirt of honey (optional)

Throw in the cold coffee, almond milk, banana and honey (if you want it a little sweeter) and blend baby, blend.

And you’re done. It’s really THAT simple. Approx 82 cals.

Author: Rachael

I'm a journalist and creative consultant. I write about how busy women (just like you) can live, work and eat - better.

3 thoughts on “Make your own frappuccino // iced coffee…save money & calories”

    1. it’s lovely. I’ve been making it the night before and having it for breakfast. I didn’t want to scare people but I usually chuck and handful of spinach in if it’s my breakfast smoothie as it’s the perfect green smoothie really- just not green 😉

  1. Love this! Coffee has become my last vice and I just hate paying the coffee shop the inflated prices. Will be getting started on this right away!

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