Food Facts: Chia Seeds: Why You Need Them In Your Diet

I’m a bit obsessed with chia seeds lately. They make the PERFECT addition to my morning smoothie as they bulk out and keep me full until lunch time (I’m not really one for breakfast so a smoothie is perfect).

chai seed pudding

Chia seeds are part of the mint family and originate from Mexico and Guatemala – and despite being so small they are absolutely packed full of amazing health benefits.

Benefits of adding Chia Seeds to your diet…

Get more fibre: 28g of chia seeds have 11 grams of dietary fibre (that’s around 1/3 of an adults daily intake) which is great for good digestive health. Continue reading “Food Facts: Chia Seeds: Why You Need Them In Your Diet”

How to make chocolate chia seed pudding

I have to say I’m a relative new comer when it comes to chia seeds.  Despite all the buzz about them the actual look of chia seed pudding (if I’m honest) mad me feel a bit queasy.


BUT this week I thought I’d banish my fear and give making chai seed pudding a whirl.

OMG why didn’t I try this sooner?

So here are the facts that you need to know about the Chai seed:

  • They hold 9-12 times their weight in water and do the same when you’ve digested them meaning you feel fuller on less.
  • They have twice the potassium of a banana
  • THREE times the antioxidant power blueberries
  • 3 times the iron of spinach
  • 10g of fibre
  • And they’re also packed with protein, omega 3 fatty acid and calcium.

So they pretty much are a super food in a world where the word superfood is totally overused.

Right so here is how I made my chocolate chai seed pudding…

Continue reading “How to make chocolate chia seed pudding”