Mindful Eating

*original post from 2012*

I went to a talk last night on fatigue in brain injury patients. One thing that was mentioned was mindful eating {this is due to diet playing a part in recovery}.

The occupational therapist who was leading the talk posed the question:

how often do you actually taste or think about what you’re eating?”.

Honestly? Probably not that often.

It’s a well known fact that factors such as boredom or depression can see us heading straight for the biscuit tin but hand on heart how many times do you just reach for food and not really take in the taste, smell or texture of it?

A recent piece in the New York Times suggested mindful eating as a way of fighting bingeing. It explored how we all eat so fast these days because our lives are fast and as a part of that we end up eating more than we should. Mindful eating therefore becomes the psychological barrier for overeating because the slower you eat the more time you have to recognise that you’ve had enough.


Mindfulness is a bit of a buzz word at the moment. It comes from Buddhist teachings and is the art of fully being aware of what’s happening both inside and outside yourself. It’s all about taking in what’s going on in your body, heart and mind as well as your environment.

And mindful eating?
Continue reading “Mindful Eating”

Sunday Stumble: May

So I thought I’d resurrect my Sunday Stumble, although this time as a monthly rather than a weekly feature. I read so many great blogs and articles per month it would be a shame not to share!


So as I embark on a HUGE week (and I mean HUGE) here are some links for you to delve in to and enjoy (preferably with a large glass of white wine)- enjoy the rest of the bank holiday weekend folks!


• Having a rescue dog that was in a BAD state – I love (the ending of) this. We have your dog.

• Gala Darling’s take on why you should love yourself now!

• Sarah Wilson on why she never shops when she travels (I don’t either with the exception of supermarkets)

• The EveryGirl and 4 Questions everyone should ask.

• The perfect cure for colds, flu and depression – golden milk.

• Mind-bending Installation at TED Helps You Find Your Social Soulmate

• Great points made by Michael Kinsley on how great journalism isn’t over.

Nikolett whose also on my health coach training course has been writing about kids lunches!

• Life Is Streaming Past You – REALLY good piece on bingeing on media.

• With the whole Max Clifford business, this is rather apt from the School of Life > why we need better celebrities. 

• THIS TedTalk by Sandra Aamodt is spot on. I’ve a post about how I’ve quit dieting sitting ready to be published…

In the US, 80% of girls have been on a diet by the time they’re 10 years old. In this honest, raw talk, neuroscientist Sandra Aamodt uses her personal story to frame an important lesson about how our brains manage our bodies, as she explores the science behind why dieting not only doesn’t work, but is likely to do more harm than good. She suggests ideas for how to live a less diet-obsessed life, intuitively.

• There’s a link between Gluten and Migraines.

• Finally, some interesting facts about fluoride from Polly Noble.

Have a great week all!



Great print

Sunday Stumble…Travel Edition

I’ve been having a bit of a travel mad week this week. I finally booked my flights for my summer holiday which means it’s official that I’m actually going! I’m heading out to Madrid and then on to Palma before a relaxing week with friends in Alcudia. I won’t be spending too much time in Madrid or Palma – just whistle stops but I’m looking forward to packing in as much as humanly possible in those 48 hours!

< A picture from my visit to Aruba. How I long to go back.

Anyway, on with the stumble…

The New York Times is finally getting to grips with social media and using Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Pinterest and Tumblr. Check out this article from Journalism.co.uk on the Five ways the New York Times is ‘getting personal’ on social media.

Did I tell you that I’ve changed my facebook page? no? Well, I have and now you can like me at facebook.com/rachphillipsdotcom < go on – do it.

As you know I’m passionate about living a better life and playing with passion. I’m also a total glossy magazine addict. Sometimes the two go hand in hand and other times my more sensible side takes over and realises that by buying these magazines I’m actually just feeding myself information about what capitalists say is my “ideal life”. This article by Gail Dines is interesting – Comsopolitan and the false promise of an “awesome life”.

Whilst we’re talking about living a better life. The Washington post published this article online offering 12 ways to live a better life. 

Fancy reading about 10 ways you can live your life beyond Mediocrity? Then check out the blog post of Miki Strong.  Inspired after reading Denise Duffield Thomas book “Lucky Bitch” Miki wrote the post about deciding to constantly upgrade your life.

One for the wordsmiths amongst us…20 common grammar mistakes that (almost) everyone gets wrong

Now I’ve told you that my holidays are fast approaching so it’s time for me to start thinking about cutting out the carbs and hitting the gym – hard. I’m not a huge fan of eggs, I mean I like them when they’re in cake – who doesn’t – but on their own I have a little bit of a mental block. The only part I like is the yolk which saddens me to read this – eating egg yolk is as bad as smoking. Not cool LA Times, not cool!