2 Amazing New York Inspired Summer Cocktails


One of the things I love the most about New York City is the cocktails -my boyfriend would argue it’s actually all about the craft beer – but he’s wrong.

Luckily, on my recent trip to New York I managed to sample a few – all in the name of research obviously – and I’ll do a few New York guides (if you’d like?) on the best places to eat/drink/play. But for now, here are two new favourite cocktails that I wanted to share with you – hopefully, these will make a great addition to your summer BBQ’s and parties.

Lady Liberty Cosmo – The Heartland Brewery.


1 ½ parts Grey Goose vodka
½ part Cointreau liqueur
1 parts cranberry juice
¼ part fresh lime juice
Cubed ice

Add all ingredients into cocktail shaker filled with ice. Shake well and double strain into large cocktail glass. Garnish with lime wheel.

Blue Hawaii – Flatiron Lounge

1 1/2 parts White rum
1 1/2 blue curaçao
1 tsp coconut cream
2 parts pineapple juice

Add all the ingredients in a cocktail shaker and fill with ice. Shake then strain into a glass. Serve over ice.

What cocktails will you be drinking this summer?

Hotel Mela, Times Square, New York

I absolutely LOVE hotels.I’m genuinely fascinated by them, always have been. I love the smell, the bustle, the feeling of one room living. I’m also deeply interested in what goes on behind the scenes in hotels (have you been watching that Richard E Grant series on Sky Atlantic about hotel secrets? If not, Series 2 is on NowTV – well worth a watch). So many weird things happen and strange behaviour played out – it’s enthralling.  But all that is another story… I was chatting with someone on Twitter last night about my stay in New York, they have booked the same hotel and I couldn’t praise it highly enough – which then reminded me that I hadn’t actually blogged about it.

So if you’re on your way to New York then check out Hotel Mela a fabulous hotel that’s right in the heart of Manhattan…

5218578632_d5ba46d98b_z Hotel Mela located 120 West on 44th Street. Right in the heart of Times Square this  hotel has defiantly got the home from home vibe down. 5217993513_df946f9a28_b     Large, memory foam beds with plenty of pillows and thick black out curtains to hide the noise and bustle of Times Square – I can honestly say i’ve not had a better night sleep in years (and bear in mind I was in a car accident the day before!!).

The Hotel Mela really is the perfect place to base yourself, especially if you’ve never been to New York before! It’s tucked up a side street so you have a moment to catch your breath being entering the fray. The hotel is less than two blocks from all the shopping on Fifth Avenue, within five blocks of the New York Public Library and the Rockefeller Centre, and  Central Park and the Museum of Modern Art are within 15 blocks.

We managed to walk EVERYWHERE from the hotel so it really is ideally situated. OH and free wi-fi so you can update all your friends back home of the wonderful time you’re having… 20140512-174812.jpg images of hotel mela via crshotels on flickr

Does everything happen for a reason?

Well, it’s not been THE best week of my life. The stress of trying to sort out my car insurance (since its now been confirmed that my car is a complete and utter write off), trying to rest up so my injuries heal, battling jet lag and fighting against a tide of work is slowly and surely taking its toll.

I’ve been trying to hold on to the fact that everything happens for a reason and I wondered if that’s something you believe in too? I mean, being in a car accident isn’t ever something that you’d want to happen but the fact I walked away with a bruises and injured ribs instead of it being much worse must’ve been part of the plan in some way. Truth is I convinced myself that I had worked hard and deserved my new car but I was never really comfortable driving it. I don’t know what it was, but every time I got on the motorway I had this feeling it was going to break down. A complete and random thought as it was a newish car and there was absolutely nothing wrong with it.   Continue reading “Does everything happen for a reason?”

Sunday Stumble

I’m going to dive right in to this week Sunday stumble…

This week I’ve been…

Eating: Roast Sausage and Butternut Squash with Tuscan Fries. On Friday I was treated to this gorgeous feast. Recipe from Tesco.


Loving: I had some fabulous (free) mini cards made up for my blog. I LOVE moo.com


Continue reading “Sunday Stumble”