What colour is your screensaver?

THIS is my screensaver right at this moment…

Screen Shot 2014-04-19 at 18.16.27

I say right at this moment because I’m going to be changing the black asap!

Why? Well, I just read this great post via Sarah Wilson’s blog about what Australia’s leading colour specialist Chris Brazel has to say on certain subjects.

One of the subjects she commented on was our screensavers!! After all, screen savers are the first thing that we see as soon as we turn our computers on (which is why I always try to have a picture of somewhere I want to be and I change it often).

This is what she had to say about what the colours of our screensavers represent: Continue reading “What colour is your screensaver?”

5 reasons why I won’t read your blog…

When I started this blog, one thing I wanted to do was to share my experience about blogging. I’ve been blogging since 2006 and I’ve made some pretty crap decisions, I’ve made some pretty good decisions and I’ve been lucky enough to have been able to carve a career change out of it and well, make money.

But one thing I didn’t want to do is to become all preachy. I didn’t want to tell people what to and what not to do because you know what? No one is an expert on blogging or social media – no one. We can share our experiences and opinions for sure but can we call ourselves gurus? I don’t think so.

So rather than this post being a “how not to blog” I wanted to share with you 5 reasons why your blog will turn me off (i.e. things that make me click the close button before even finishing the title…)

Continue reading “5 reasons why I won’t read your blog…”

Sunday Stumble

I’m going to dive right in to this week Sunday stumble…

This week I’ve been…

Eating: Roast Sausage and Butternut Squash with Tuscan Fries. On Friday I was treated to this gorgeous feast. Recipe from Tesco.


Loving: I had some fabulous (free) mini cards made up for my blog. I LOVE moo.com


Continue reading “Sunday Stumble”