What I’m Reading: The Sweet poison Quit Plan

What are you reading this week? I’m reading The Sweet poison Quit Plan by David Gillespe.

I’ve been obsessed with the idea of quitting sugar for quite a while now (after reading the amazing journey that Sarah Wilson has gone on) but I’ve not actually done it.
i quit sugar

This weekend, I had a bit of a blow out, seriously we’re talking frozen yogurt, chocolate and pizza. I can honestly say that on Monday, I felt so unwell, my skin looks dull, my throat is uber sore and I had a sugar/junk food hangover.

So I’m going to do my best to avoid the sweet poison (I think we all know half of the battle is what’s hidden).

I’ll let you know what I think of the book and keep you updated with my quitting sugar progress!!

Author: Rachael

I'm a journalist and creative consultant. I write about how busy women (just like you) can live, work and eat - better.

2 thoughts on “What I’m Reading: The Sweet poison Quit Plan”

  1. I’ve been reading a lot of different blogs all week, and the main theme I’m seeing is weight loss and kicking sugar. Great minds think alike I guess! Good luck to you! 🙂

  2. Hey Rachael,

    I really need to cut out the sugar, but I just love it soooo much. I would really love to hear how you get on with this.

    Thanks for sharing,

    Beth 🙂

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