Weekend Reads


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I’m so glad that the weekend is nearly upon us. I’ll be doing the bare minimum that I can get away with – what about you?

Anyway, here are just a few interesting finds from across the website this week (only a short one as I can’t fathom how to access the “bookmarks” section on Twitter, if anyone can point me in the right direction, please do so!).

Simplicity. A subject close to my heart. Don’t be afraid to be simple; as much effort you spend making things complex and interesting, you should spend making them simple and arguably uninteresting. If you do a good job, I think the work, or whatever it is you’re doing, will, in the end, still be as interesting as you wanted it to be. Only now it’ll be more accessible, and now people won’t turn away because it appears too complex from the get-go.

FACEBOOK. Love it or loathe it, most of us have an account. But have you thought about deleting yours? Or maybe you have. This article covers 4 stories from people who’ve said bye-bye to facebook and how it’s changed their lives. This blog has a facebook page btw http://facebook.com/rachaelphillips.me

The one piece of advice that young women need is seriously a GOOD READ.

Visulisng life with Autism

This from BuzzFeed: 28 times vegetarians got the shit end of the stick. Makes me think of the last time I flew with United Airlines and the vegetarian meal was a pita bread with grated carrot. Nothing else. Carrot and pitta. Plus after the whole Waitrose magazine debarcle, is pretty apt this week.

I love reading about email etiquette. This from The Guardian: 9 passive aggressive email phrases that need to stop

Climate change is getting serious. Sarah Wilson has condensed all the info in to one cheat sheet. It’s shocking but important you read it.

I’ve condensed the gnarly bits you’re hearing about climate change into a cheat sheet. It’s more terrifying than you can imagine

Have a good weekend all
R x

Author: Rachael

I'm a journalist and creative consultant. I write about how busy women (just like you) can live, work and eat - better.

5 thoughts on “Weekend Reads”

  1. I’m going to check out these links right now – I love posts like this where people share articles and posts they found interesting. I always find someone or something new to read from them.

  2. I live by simplicity is key – or at least I try too! It seems so much more greener and calmer over there, lol.

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